Manuel Ros - Pictures, Art, Photography

Manuel Ros

Background Information about Manuel Ros


Architecture and Creativity

“With my work I create new forms. I try to show different realities, to shift ordinary mental states and to reflect space from another point of view. Fractal reality becomes a conscious experience.” This is how Manuel Ros describes his artistic style.

In his sculptures and paintings, the artist creates architectonic surfaces: carpets of bright colours and rich contrasts. The inseparable foundations of his picturesque compositions are form and colour, geometry and harmony. He structures the colourful, powerful patterns with a black grid, opening up spaces that at first appear two-dimensional, mazes of chequered and interlocked squares and lines that could be read as plans for houses and urban districts.

Through the exciting interplay of surface and structure, Ros’s remarkable perspectives challenge us to discover something different, to follow his harmonic diversity of spatial and visual dimensions. He calls these paintings, with their three-dimensional effect, “mental landscapes.” The Majorcan artist draws from the rich colour palette of his home island, and is also inspired by the opulent colours of his adopted home city, Barcelona.

Ros is more than just a painter, and his portfolio is characterised by a range of different materials. His media include panelling, wall and floor installations: anything through which his unmistakeable geometric style can be brought to life.


1965Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Lives and works in Barcelona, Spain


1996Antoni Gelabert Prize for Visual Arts


1998Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium


National Library Collection, Contemporary Print Collection, Madrid, Spain

Colección Javier López de Toledo, Madrid, Spain

Colección Ilustre Colegio de abogados de Baleares, Pama de Mallorca, Spain


2013MR 110413, Imaginart Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2010Kubicoides o la deconstrucción del cubo, Centre d´art La Real, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2009Labyrinths, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, Germany
2007Nothing is what it seems, Gaspar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2006Fragmentos de espacio, Centre d´art La Real, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2005Pintura, Flamicell Art Contemporani, Barcelona, Spain
Galería Ch´che. Puerto Escondido, Mexico
2004Punts d´interferències, Galería Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Tarragona
2001Extensiones, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2000Introspecciones, Galería Altair, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
1990Montserrat Gallery, New York, USA
2013Colectiva verano, Imaginart Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Abstractions, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, Germany
Odeon, Imaginart Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia
2011Wall paper, A&D Galeria, Barcelona, Spain
Colectiva, Flamicell Art Contemporàni, Barcelona, Spain
Foro Sur, Imaginart Gallery, Cáceres, Spain
2010Schaulager, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, Germany
SWAB 2010, Imaginart Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2009Cutlog, Imaginart Gallery, Paris, France
„Berliner Blau“ Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, Germany