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Janine KĂĽhn

Janine KĂĽhn's "Lipstick Studies" merge artificial intelligence and virtual aesthetics. In her purely digital works, the photographer creates captivatingly sensual, independent characters. Her pieces, infused with the spirit of the 80s and 90s, are enriched with contemporary elegance and take the approach of synthography to a new level.

Lorenz Holder

Lorenz Holder’s photographs transform iconic spaces into poetry by capturing extreme sport on the stage of world architecture. In his images, he interweaves the energy of athletes in motion with the power of monumental buildings or natural wonders to create a visual symphony. Let Holder's works take you to the limits of reality.

Nicolai Chau

Nicolai Chau's works connect the elegant realm of fashion and the depths of psychology and philosophy. His work, between romantic reveries and introspective acuity, illustrates the discrepancy between facade and authenticity and invites us to reflect and rediscover.

Paul Fuentes

Discover Paul Fuentes' vibrant fusion of pastel glamor and untamed wildness, a unique fusion of Miami Art Deco and the surrealist spark of the 60s. At the center of his clearly luminous, summery scenes: the majestic hissing of big cats that make luxury vibrate in every picture.

Isabelle Menin

Isabelle Menin transforms fairytale-like discoveries from nature into digital masterpieces. In her paintings, she sparks a fascinating play with texture and color that sprouts from her painterly roots. Let yourself be carried away to another dimension by her brilliant combination of the richness of nature and Menin's digital floristry inspired by Flemish masters.

Discover 18 more new artists in the LUMAS art magazine "inspired"

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