Christophe Jacrot - Pictures, Art, Photography Christophe Jacrot

Christophe Jacrot

Background Information about Christophe Jacrot


The vast and occasionally inhospitable landscapes of Iceland are the focus of photographer Christophe Jacrot's latest works. With a deep understanding of the scenery's uniqueness, Jacrot showcases small but distinctive homes across the Icelandic landscape. He juxtaposes barren mountain slopes and snow-covered fields with the bright, optimistic hues of the structures – which stand joyfully against monochrome backdrops. He successfully transforms landscape shots into emotional compositions.  
Iceland's climate is characterized by extremes and has a particular impact on the lives of its inhabitants. The significant amount of snowfall that accumulates over many months defines the icelandic landscape and pushes its people to adapt. Within this context, Jacrot’s vibrant houses appear as both protective dwellings and lively spaces - radiating amidst the cold. Jacrot's houses project their energy onto the landscapes, lending them an unexpectedly warm tone.


Christophe Jacrot puts the fleeting, hidden moments from everyday life in a poetic and romantic light. The stormier the weather in Paris, New York, or Venice, the more ambient the Frenchman’s photographs. Jacrot reveals a new universe so fascinating that no one will want to run for cover at the first hint of rain.


Freshly fallen snow arouses romantic feelings. Christophe Jacrot takes advantage of this phenomenon. In his work, he shows how “bad” and stormy climates affect life in the big city. The hectic pace slows down. The people seem isolated, pulled out of their daily rhythms.

The soft, white layer gives the streets a particular atmosphere. The cold is palpable, as are the people’s longings for security, warmth and closeness. Christophe Jacrot’s pieces show emotional moments – instants that, as fleeting as they may be, will remain in our memories.


According to Christophe Jacrot, there are two ways to capture the world in pictures: “On one hand, a photographer can focus on the horrors of the world, or he can take the fear out of it.” The artist, born in France in 1960, says he decided for the latter.

Christophe Jacrot has worked as a freelance photographer since 2006. He discovered a soft spot for rain and snow while he was working on a book in Paris. His assignment was to take sunny pictures, but the weather did not cooperate. The wet streets and reflecting lights excited Jacrot. And they still do. He finds his subjects in big cities; Hong Kong is one of his favourite locations simply due to its long rainy season.


Whenever a bad weather front builds up near a large city, Christophe Jacrot cannot be far away. The French photographer purposely seeks out rain and snow to capture atmospheric moments. The adverse weather conditions create special lighting conditions for the images. The streets empty out, and Jacrot finds the intense situations that develop into the particular power of his work. Even though he consciously takes them in colour, Jacrot’s images look like they could be stills from film noir movies.

I am fascinated by the romantic dimension and emotionality of the rain as well as the untapped universe it still seems to hide.
Christophe Jacrot


1960Born in France
Lives and works in Paris, France


2021Galleri Artsight, Stockholm, Sweden
Neiges, Little Big Gallery, Paris, France
2020Neiges, Galerie de l´Europe, Paris, France
2018Bellow Zero, Galerie de l'Europe, Paris, France
2017SNJÓR, Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
2014Blizzard, Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
New York in black, Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
2013Under the rain, Artistry, Singapore
Black an white, NYB+neige, Young Gallery, Brüssel, Belgium
in the mood for rain, Kunstlicht Gallery, Shanghai, China
2012Neige, Galerie de L’Europe, Paris, France
2011The Sound of Rain, Galerie Soda, Istanbul, Turkey
Axelle fine art, New York, USA
2010Contrasting China, Artemiss Contemporary, Hong Kong, China
Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
Galerie du Chapitre, Nimes, Paris, France
2009Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
2008Le Lucernaire, Paris, France
Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
Little Big Galerie, Paris, France
2007Le Lucernaire, Paris, France
2021ArTypique Galerie, Genf, Switzerland
2020ArTypique Galerie, Genf, Switzerland
2019Fotofever Paris 2019, R/G Gallery, Paris, France
2017Fotofever Paris 2017, Artistics gallery, Paris, France
YIA artfair, Paris, France
2015Scope Art Show, Basel, Switzerland
Afordable Art Fair, Hong Kong, China
2014Fotofever, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
Collective / Heist photography, London, UK
Afordable Art Fair, Hong Kong, China
2013Afordable Art Fair, New York, USA
2012Afordable Art Fair, Singapore
2011Grand Opening, Artemiss Contemporary & Yellow Cube Gallery, Tokyo, Japan