Thanh-khoa Tran - Pictures, Art, Photography

Thanh-khoa Tran

Background Information about Thanh-khoa Tran


Liquid Universe - What no eye has ever seen

Thanh-Khoa Tran is in pursuit of a modern chimera. He is looking for the beauty of ephemeral shapes, captured in photographs. It is the permanent change of complex forms, too fast for the human eye to really be perceived, that challenge him in the field of ultra-short wave photography. The aesthetic patterns and figures evolve from the current and creative mixture of liquids like ink, oil, soap and water, and we combine these patterns with similar structures of different origins. What we see are botanical, animal and technical constructions. Tran’s images are an invitation to a journey into the ream of bionics. Tran describes the process of creating his images in the words of a researcher: “Before the production process of a photographical experiment starts there is always an idea, an image that already exists in my imagination. For this precise imagination of a concrete image, I then try to find a photo technical procedure. The work on the way to visualizing the image creates results that offer further possibilities of creating new images. At the end of all this, I often choose an image that came up during the experiment as a so-called by-product.”



born in Thong-Nhat, Vietnam

1985 moved to Germany
1999-2006 Study of Communication Design with a focus on photography, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
2006 Diploma thesis „Liquid Universe” , Prof. Gerhard Vormwald and Eib Eibelshäuser
Since 2006designer of photography, works for „People“ and „Still life“
lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany


2006Photokina Cologne, Exhibition with the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, classes Prof. G. Vormwald and Eib Eibelshäuser
BFF-award and Group exhibition in Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart
2004 Award - Canon Pro Fashional Contest
2003Group Exhibition „Natur pur“ class of Prof. G. Vormwald, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf