Annika Feuss - Pictures, Art, Photography

Annika Feuss

Background Information about Annika Feuss


Annika Feuss Explores the Berlin Underground

It can rarely be experienced so: devoid of people, reduced to form and colour. One wonders when, amidst the constant hustle and bustle of the underground, Annika Feuss had the idea for her series “Unter Berlin”. She documents a type of architecture rarely observed, one that tells the story of a century of German architectural history. The first Berlin underground line was opened in 1902, between Warschauerstrasse and Zoologischer Garten. The network now comprises 173 stations, with more than 1.3 million people using the system every day.
Long after the stressful chaos of rush-hour, often at night, Feuss revealed the lines, surfaces, and colours of the underground stations. Dirt, rubbish, graffiti, and other distracting elements were removed in the post-production phase, allowing the forms and colours to achieve their fullest affect. The shots were taken with a long exposure time, and a train will occasionally rush through the station, leaving behind a blur of fluid colours. Feuss’s photographs are impressions of urban aesthetic, beyond the chaos of everyday life, preserved in eternal calm.
Born in Bonn in 1985, Feuss studied photography in Dortmund and has lived and worked in Düsseldorf since 2010. A spectacular photo project, this series has already been exhibited many times, as well as being published in book form.


1985Born in Bonn, Germany
2005-2007Freelancer, picture agency Archenova, Germany
2005-2009Freelance photo assistant, Ralph Richter and Tillmann Franzen
2005-2011Studies of photo design in Dortmund, Germany
Since 2011Lives and works in Dortmund, Germany


2009Revisited, Museum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund, Germany
2008Welten am Fluss, Herne-Dannekamp, Germany
2008Interieur, Fachhochschule Dortmund, Germany